Thursday, January 24, 2008

honored as best of category Democracy and Governance

Apparently for a long time very much (around November 2007) when I was joining the training photojournalist at jakarta, at that time I was reading enter magazine in that magazine I read about one Annual International Photoshare Photo Contest
According to this magazine:
photoshare's Annual Photo Contest, every year between August and December, is a popular international event encouraging photographers to share work for charitable and educational use in return for a chance to win a prize. Participants contribute to a growing collection of development-oriented photography, helping non-profit organizations communicate health and development issues worldwide.
And I tried to send my photojournalist (Around 4 photographs)
Guarded in January a letter entered my email...
YESSSS!! One of my photos was recently honored as best of category Democracy and Governance by Johns Hopkins-photoshare, just visit HERE

Friday, January 18, 2008

TATO, lifestyle seni melukis tubuh

Seperti pada sebuah kamar operasi, satu orang tengah duduk berbaring menahan kesakitan dengan disinari lampu sorot sementara 2 orang dengan sarung tangannya mulai bekerja dengan jarum dan tinta yang digerakkan motor-tape.sebuah gambaran betapa seriusnya mereka!!
TATO simbol kriminalitas atau lifestyle?

sering saya melihat sebuah berita kriminalitas di stasiun tv, TATO lah yang menjadi bagian frame-frame penayangan berita, WHY? apakah saat ini tato masih identitik dengan dunia kriminalitas?
cara pandang yang KUNO!! timbul dalam benak saya....
saya melihat tato murni sebagai seni yang indah dan enak dipandang mata dan ketika saya melihat tato dilngkungan keseharian saya lebih pada sebuah lifestlye

so, kapan saya diTATO?
wah mikir dua kali mengingat proses pembuatan tato itu tidak mudah. Butuh ketahanan tubuh yang prima ketika proses penatoan tubuh dilakukan dan siap menerima sangsi moral dari masyarakat disekitar saya.
tato bagi saya hanya cukup sebagai objek beberapa foto saya, seperti pada sebuah malam dimana saya menghadiri acara forum bergambar di sebuah club yang terletak dibawah tanah....
ini pertama kalinya saya datang di club tersebut, meskipun sudah 8 tahun dijogja.
suara-suara bising dan teriakan-teriakan menyemangati seorang pria yang duduk dibangku "kesakitan" menahan perihnya jarum-jarum yang menusuk kulit untuk meninggalkan tinta. sekitar 30 menit usai sudah penderitaan pria tersebut,walhasil dua buah tato menempel di lehernya!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

PORTRAITURE, person at work

“In photography, the smallest thing can become a big subject, an insignificant human detail can become a leitmotiv. We see and we make seen as a witness to the world around us; the event, in its natural activity, generates an organic rhythm of forms.” Henri Cartier-Bresson (France, 1908–2004)

same with Portraiture, visual representation of individual people, distinguished by references to the subject's character, social position, wealth, or profession. Just about anyone who can aim a camera can make a portrait. It goes without saying that some do it better than others. Top portrait photographers do it all the time, reliably producing outstanding portraits with just about every subject they photograph. Why is that? What do they know and what do they do that makes their portraits special? The answer to both these questions is “quite a bit,” because there is lots to know about a lot of things in order to produce a great portrait. i have Portraiture project about person at work, The world of work is a fascinating subject for photographers and, as most of us work at some point in our lives, it affects almost everyone on the planet. Many of the pictures a photographer is assigned to shoot involve people working in some way.
some my project about person at work can see HERE